十年前,三流小说家中田修一(清水紘治 饰)怀疑妻子和出版界的好友津野木有染,这件事令他耿耿于怀,夫妻的关系也日趋冷淡。随后的五年里,津野木在出版界风生水起,而中田的妻子却不幸死于一场意外。在此之后,中田将自己的经历写成一本情色小说,从而变得小有名气,而他也选择堕落放荡的生活。原本羞涩内向的他,早已是情人多多的风流男子。情人中有著名的花道老师,有痴迷其作品的读者香枝,也有特立独行的女同性恋麦姬。繁花似锦终有时,喧嚣过后只留下无限的失落和怅然…… 本片根据吉行淳之介的原著改编,为日活成立七十周年的纪念作品。Nakata, a writer, lives with the painful memory of the death of his wife, whose life was cut short a few years earlier. Was it an accident or was it suicide? Doubt persists. In order to escape his guilty conscience, Nakata gives up on marriage and fatherhood. Thus freed, he embarks on an obsessive sexual jeorney and records his adventures in a book, "The Dark Room". A philisophical essay on sexuality, reproduction and the fate of mankind.