电视剧《向天》以中国航天事业发展作为时间轴线,围绕上世纪八十年代组建西昌新型卫星发射基地和抢占地球同步轨道、抢占国际卫星发射市场而展开,展现了航天事业在不同时期所遇到的机遇和挑战,刻画了航天英雄们豪迈、慷慨、壮烈的人物群像,体现了航天人通过顽强拼搏克服万难取得辉煌成果的航天精神。\"Into the Sky\", \"Xiang Tian\" in Chinese is a TV serie that tells the story of the spacial conquest by Chinese on the eighties. The story takes the development of the aerospace industry as the time axis after the creation of the first Chinese launching site in the city of Xichang in Sichuan Province. The serie will be broadcasted on April 2018 on CCTV1.