影片讲述了发生在一所大学的教室、宿舍里勾心斗角,年仅三十岁的编导Santiago Mitre被媒体誉为“阿根廷版的亚伦·索尔金”(《社交网络》编剧)。 《大学政治》虽然是一部小成本,但从表演到技术环节做得都很到位。Santiago Mitre之前还曾为《狮子笼》同《卡拉鹰》等片编剧,本片是他的第一部导演作品。影片的男主角Esteban Lamothe面无表情的表演却很抓人,同样是一颗冉冉升起的明星。就像亚历山大·佩恩通过《选举》表现被“成功学”驱动的美国一样,《大学政治》也有着众多对于拉美当今社会的隐喻,这对于外国观众来说不太容易理解。Roque starts University in Buenos Aires but he is not particularly interested in attending classes or working towards a degree. Instead, he dedicates his time to one of the many groups vying for control of the university, motivated less by grand political ideals than by a wish to get close to Paula, an attractive young teacher heavily involved in internal university politics.