第35季第一集 卡扎菲在联合国的发言引来众怒,他只能再次出席并发表声明。性感女神Megan Fox来到现场担任主持,聊起了她流传网上的无数张裸照,还在一名热心观众的照片上签名,之后Megan更化身空姐,俄罗斯女郎等角色,尽展性感魅力。音乐嘉宾为爱尔兰传奇乐队U2,带来震撼的现场演出。Nasim Pedrad and Jenny Slate's first episode. Sketches include: United Nations General Assembly, Megan Fox Monologue, Bladdivan, Flight Attendants, Russian Brides, An SNL Digital Short: The Date, Grady Wilson's Burning up the Bedsheets, Weekend Update with Seth Meyers, Weekend Update: Jean K. Jean, Weekend Update: Judy Grimes, Live Lounge, Biker Chick Chat, An SNL Digital Short: Megan's Roommate (with Brian Austin Green cameo), Your Mom Talks to Megan Fox While You Get Ready. U2 performs "Breathe", "Moments of Surrender" and "Ultraviolet (Light My Way)".