。近日,阿黛尔将搭档马提亚斯·修奈尔茨,出演比利时导演迈克尔·R·罗斯卡姆的犯罪新作《The Believer》。 影片将是一部描写比利时首都布鲁塞尔阴暗面的黑色电影,但同时也将有条爱情线穿插其中。据影片官网网站透露,该片一部分对白将采用法语。这对导演罗斯卡姆来说,无疑也是一个挑战。他先前执导的影片《牛头悲歌》中,对白多为弗拉芒语(比利时荷兰语)。When Gino meets racing driver Bénédicte, it's love at first sight. Passionate. Unconditional. Fiery. But Gino hides has a secret. The kind of secret that can endanger your life and the lives of those ones around you. Gino and Bénédicte will have to fight against fate, reason and their own weaknesses to save their love.