加拿大新锐导演罗伯特·布德里奥和 《爱在黎明破晓时》男星伊桑·霍克携手合作的《生为蓝调》,跳脱传统传记电影的钻研考究,在虚实互映的构组拼贴中,重现爵士乐手查特·贝克充满传奇色彩的戏剧一生。Born to be Blue starring Ethan Hawke is a re-imagining of jazz trumpeter Chet Baker's life in the 60's. When Chet stars in a film about himself, a romance heats up with his costar, the enigmatic Jane (Carmen Ejogo). Production is shelved when Chet's past comes back to haunt him and it appears he may never play music again but Jane challenges him to mount a musical comeback against all the odds.