日本的某处、被美丽的大自然所包围的山间小镇。在这样的镇上,设立着一所自然而亲切的巨大绚烂豪华学校,私立乙桥学校。通过学园中平凡的少女来栖川姬子为中心,故事开始了。作为名门的大小姐,文武双全、才色兼备,没有恶习的性格、作为学院的偶像的姬宫千歌音,还有姬子的青梅竹马,有点没用但却很诚实的大神相马。姬子被两位伙伴包围着,明亮而快乐的学员生活。姬子16岁的生日来临了,三人的命运也开始了变化The highborn Himemiya Chikane is cool and aloof, the perfect young lady of good breeding. Kurusegawa Himeko is devoted to her, and secretly her friend. Their lives are undisturbed in their school, until an ancient evil suddenly rears its head. To combat it, Chikane and Himeko must take on the roles of shrine maidens of the Moon and Sun.