毕业于哥伦比亚大学的高材生苏(Anna Levine 饰)美丽而高傲,她曾是一所著名律师所的职员,然而随着事务所的破产,她也失去了工作。日常生活中,苏不善与人交际,性格乖张,失业的遭遇令她的生活立刻陷入困境。她四处寻找工作,结果一无所获。赊面包、拖欠房租,最终被房东赶了出来;无家可归的她委身一间充满妓女和嫖客的小旅馆,忍受着来自各方的羞辱,爱情与友情都变得无比奢侈和遥远…… 本片荣获1998年柏林国际电影节费比西国际影评人奖和国际评审团奖An unemployed ex-office worker (Anna Thomson) searching for work floats a fragile line of sanity as she struggles to find friendship and companionship. Her tenuous grasp on reality further fluctuates when a man (Matthew Powers) whom she met in a restaurant and started an affair is called to go to India for an assignment. The final straw occurs when she is evicted and moves into a sleazy hotel. She then starts seeking casual sex in unorthodox locations just to have human contact.