1979年,大学路电影院。医学院的学生郑夏录正在看电影。突然从后面传来轻轻的念台词的声音。郑夏录回头发现了一清秀的女孩。她就是小玲。两人一见钟情。但是郑夏录贫寒的出身和一直梦想当电影导演的想法,让小玲的父亲,金博士不能接受他。当两人排除万难终于走到一起的时候,小玲却因心脏病不幸去世…… 特别喜欢第一集,喜欢那个雨夜的夏录和小玲。Just before a young couple gets married, the girl has a heart attack. Her father, who is a scientist, refuses to let her die and freezes her in. She is awakened again in 25 years with no recollection of her memory. She is still a 21 year old girl who falls in love with her doctor. What is his connection to her past and her one-time fiancé?