这部电影大致是描述第二次大战期间的1942年夏天,在某一个度假海岛上,住着一位丈夫赴海外参战的美国少妇,一个邻居的少年暗地里迷恋着她,却不敢开口,少妇知道少年的心事,仿佛少年是她战死的丈夫,两人春风一度,第二天一早,她就远离他乡,只留下一张纸条--温和的告诉少年不要会错意了,他们之间不可能有任何的发展和结果。Silent as a painting, the movie shows us day-dreamer Hermie and his friends Oscy and Benjie spending the summer of '42 on an US island with their parents - rather unaffected by WWII. While Oscy's main worries are the when and how of getting laid, Hermie honestly falls in love with the older Dorothy, who's married to an army pilot. When her husband returns to the front, Hermie shyly approaches her.