伦敦一家大型液压件厂正成为一出特殊制作的发生地。享誉全球的肖像摄影师Brigitte Lacombe正在为她自己主演的纪录片拍摄纪实肖像。被拍摄者包括她的妹妹Marian Lacombe以及其他几对兄弟姐妹,他们有些是因血缘联系在一起,有些则是因为纯粹的爱捆绑在了一起。一场关于影像制作的对话点亮影片深沉的单色氛围,聚焦Brigitte的正面凝视,我们随之将目光锁定她的面孔。 Lynne Ramsay执导的《BRIGITTE》是Miu Miu“女人的故事”第18部短片。该系列短片备受赞誉,众多现今具有影响力和原创精神的女性导演参与其中,深入探索21世纪的空虚浮华与女性本质。Framed round a candid conversation between the photographer Brigitte Lacombe and the film maker discussing their process and fascination with images as well as Brigitte's close relationship to her sister Marian Lacombe (whom she works and travels with). Lynne sets up and films a real time photo shoot for Brigitte, selecting a \"cast\" for her to photograph with a theme of sisters and creative siblings, allowing us to closely observe the photographer at work. A cast of some true relations, close friend's considered sisters and \"siblings\" with modern re-definitions of family not connected by blood. An insight into Brigitte's creative process, her obsession with taking pictures and how her lens defines her relationship with her subjects and the world.