讲述在当时医生和护士结婚并不被允许的情况下,津村医院院长的儿子津村浩三(上元谦 饰)和护士高池克枝(田中绢代 饰)之间的爱情故事。从1938年到1962年,算上续集和翻拍作品一共有7部,主演的女优也历经田中绢代、水户光子、京町子和冈田茉莉子,《爱染桂下情》无疑是当时日本最热门的电影系列作品之一。A young doctor, Kozo Tsumura (Uehara), falls for young nurse Katsue Takaishi (Tanaka). But she's got a secret: she's a widow with a son. Kozo and Katsue decide to run away to Kyoto, but her child suddenly became sick and she just missed the train and Kozo. She makes it to Kyoto finally, but is unable to meet him. Plus she isn't accepted into Kyoto society. She goes back to her hometown and tries to forget him. She quits the hospital to concentrate on her singing. She makes her professional debut with the hit "Aizen Katsura". Kozo is in the audience.