雄太(藤川俊生 饰)是一位平凡的青年,没有固定的工作,整日游手好闲。雄太有一位名叫春子(吉居亜希子 饰)的女友,尽管住在一起,但两人之间感情一直不咸不淡。某日,春子因为工作的缘故要去外地出差,雄太短暂地恢复了自由的单身生活。 从某日起,雄太开始渐渐住一起了住在隔壁的奇怪大叔起来,因为这位既不英俊也不多金的大叔家中常常出入着与他身份极为不相符的绝色美女。在好奇心的驱使之下,雄太潜入了大叔的家中,却意外的发现了名为“美女缶”的不明物体。根据美女缶上的说明,雄太将罐内的液体倒入了浴缸之中,三十分钟之后,一位美女出现在了雄太的面前,美女的身上印着保质日期:4月15日。Growing weary of his girl friend, Kentaro moves to a new apartment. One day in summer, he sees his ugly neighbor come out from the room together with many beautiful women around. It bothers him big time and eventually he reaches to an answer to this mystery: the very existence of a certain can named "BIJO-CAN". Kentaro, getting hold of this BIJOCAN, finally succeeds to produce his own ideally beautiful woman, Bijo.