《辉夜姬想让人告白~天才们的恋爱头脑战~》真人电影导演河合勇人,《替身忠臣藏》再展改编能手,将时代剧《忠臣藏》添加「替身」元素的同名小说搬上银幕。视频讲述高家吉良遭赤穗藩主浅野砍杀重伤,家臣找来吉良的和尚弟弟充当替身,应付幕府召见,另一头47位武士正准备为被迫切腹自尽的浅野展开复仇,这个替身城主该不该继续演下去?喜剧男星室刚一人分饰两角,率众武士复仇的永山瑛太,以及川口春奈、北村一辉、柄本明等一票演技派吸睛演出,把时代剧魔改荒谬喜剧,令人捧腹大笑之余,更好奇剧情还能怎么走下去?Kozukenosuke Kira is slashed with a sword by Ako Daimyo, who holds deep contempt towards Kozukenosuke. Ako Daimyo then kills himself. Both of their families now fall into a big crisis. At this time, a vassal for the Kira family comes up with an extraordinary solution. The plan calls for Takaaki Kira, who is the younger brother of Kozukenosuke, to pretend he is his older brother and deceive the shogunate. Takaaki looks virtually identical to his older brother.