乔奥,一个葡萄牙人,是个整天开车的销售人员,自从让一个女人贝塔搭了顺风车以后,就接连不断的发生了很多令人惊奇的事情,因为她,老实说,很神秘,性感,而且还有点精神不正常,她想跟乔奥一起到里斯本,乔奥最初答应了,但是后来要不停的应付她的充满敌意的,不断靠近他们的家人。随着事情的发展,乔奥发现贝塔的丈夫,一个非常让人不愉快的人,赶上来的时候,事情就变得更加糟糕了......Joao sells video tapes in road bars between Portugal and Spain. One day he finds a middle aged woman in the middle of nowhere. Somebody is looking for her and she has to escape to Lisboa. But what is the secret of this woman? Why does she want to go to Lisboa?