在偏远的非洲马里,阿玛度与穆萨是两名天赋出众的足球少年。在一次偶然的机会中,他们被球探所发现。随后带着成为足坛明星的梦想,年仅15岁的他们离开非洲前往欧洲,在西班牙马德里追寻足球冠军之梦。他们辗转西班牙、葡萄牙和北欧各国,残酷的现实让人亲身体验到了足球欺骗性外表背后的阴暗世界:他们根本不被视为两个充满潜力的足球少年,而是被视为两枚用来赚钱的“黑色钻石”。Black Diamond uncovers the mechanisms of the lucrative international trade of hundreds of young African players with their heads full of dreams who are ready for tremendous sacrifices to become the new soccer superstar. Tricked by crooked agents who attract them with false promises of professional careers in Europe or the Middle-East, fenced in dubious -football academies- where they receive no education, these children are the victims of a genuine traffic in which they are treated like commodities. A flagrant violation of human rights inscribed in the system of globalized football.