都会で働くOLの桜木紫野は会社の上司の誘いでワイン会に参加する。どう見てもブルジョアな会合に馴染めない紫野だが、その参加者の男性・織田一志と意気投合する。ワインを良く知り、成功者の気品が鼻につかない織田に紫野は惹かれていく。しかし後日、織田は粉飾決済で逮捕される。若き実業家の逮捕はニュースにもなり困惑する紫野。だが紳士的な振る舞いとその織田が奨めるワインには嘘がないと信じて紫野はワイン会へと参加を続けていく。そして更なるワイン会メンバーとの出会いが紫野をワインの魅力に引き込んでいくことに…。Shino Sakuragi is an office lady. She attends a wine party recommended by her boss, even though she isn't comfortable at such a fancy get together. There, Shino meets Kazushi Oda. He is knowledgeable about wine and he doesn't show off his success as a businessman. She becomes attracted to him, but Kazushi gets arrested for accounting fraud later. Shino is confused by the situation, but she keeps attending the wine parties and becomes hooked on wine.