阳光(杨丞琳 饰)的父母因诈骗他人钱财,躲在异地不敢回家,债主逼上门讨债,为了不牵连年迈的奶奶,阳光只好到狄雅辛(吴尊 饰)家中当女佣。狄雅辛是典型的富二代,平日里生活无忧,由于父母早逝,他一直由和父母同时创业的殷董事长(邬倩倩 饰)抚养长大。如今,雅辛就任公司总经理,这让一直觊觎公司高管职位的顾问耿非(张峻宁 饰)妒火中烧。阳光生性乐观开朗,她帮助狄雅辛成功策划化妆品新品发布会,赢得其青睐,这让一直追求雅辛的董事长千金安琪拉(刘梓妍 饰)倍感妒忌。阴险的耿非唆使安琪拉夺权,雅辛一夜之间落魄街头,成了一无所有的穷光蛋。危难时刻,阳光决定施以援手......As her name suggests, Sunshine (Ranie Yang), is a delightful girl, who lives with her self-sacrificing, adoring grandmother. Regrettably, her very irresponsible con-artist parents have left her under the weight of extreme debt. When the debtors come calling, Sunshine must accept work as a maid for a rich family. Before reporting for work, Sunshine has a rather embarrassing chance encounter with the CEO of a cosmetics company, Di Ya Xin (Wu Chun). Immediately, their indifference for one another is apparent and they hope to never see each other again. As fate would have it, however, Sunshine ends up working as Di Ya Xin's maid.