故事设定在一个身怀魔力的人类濒临灭绝的世界,武力的最高境界从使用利剑,转而到使用魔法,继而变成了使用枪械。就读于培训用以取缔残存魔力威胁的“异端审问官”专业机关——“对魔导学园”的男主角草薙哮,是个完全不会使用枪械,只靠一柄刀与敌人交锋的另类。而他率领的第35试验小队又被称为“杂鱼小队”,顾名思义是由一群劣等生拼凑而成的团队。某一天,拥有“魔女猎人”资格的超精英持枪高手凤樱花,竟然加入了这支队伍。在带领队员动身执行回收魔导遗产的任务中,一场学园动作奇幻大作就此开始。The 35th Test Platoon of Antimagic Academy is one of the squads enrolled at an academy specializing in raising the witch hunters, whose job is to find and neutralize any magical threats! Unfortunately, they're a group of failures nicknamed the "Small Fry Platoon", a platoon formed from a bunch of self-centered people who have personality problems and can't cooperate. Will they manage to overcome their weaknesses and shine as the strongest platoon?