南方炎热的夏日夜晚,年轻的王学明(彭于晏 饰)遭遇了一起意外。梁妈(张艾嘉 饰)的老公忽然失踪,她寻求陈警官(王砚辉 饰)的帮助,却不知自己已成为别人的下一个“目标”。陈警官负责老梁失踪案,他发现案情的发展远超自己掌控。这群不知命运已被悄然更改的人,都在试图窥视关于那个夜晚的真相,但这个夏夜的记忆如错乱的拼图,愈加扑朔迷离……On a dark night, Xueming hits a pedestrian with his car and flees the scene. Desperate to escape his feelings of guilt, he decides to approach the dead man's wife, Mrs Liang. Meanwhile, the body is discovered - riddled with bullets. Chen, the detective in charge of the investigation, becomes obsessed with the case. Years later, all three remain caught in a tangled web of memories and lies, desperately searching for a truth that refuses to be revealed.