大演習に向かう途中、自衛隊の一個小隊21名が、戦車、ヘリコプター、装甲車、哨戒艇もろとも400年前の戦国時代にタイム・スリップ。2万人の武田信玄軍対近代兵器の凄絶な戦いが展開される。半村良原作による大掛かりなSF大作で、2005年にも新たな角度よりリメイクされた。A squadron of Japanese Self-Defense Force soldiers find themselves transported through time to their country's warring states era, when rival samurai clans were battling to become the supreme Shogun. The squad leader, Lt. Iba, sees this as the perfect opportunity to realize his dream of becoming the ruler of Japan. To achieve this, he teams his troops up with those of Kagatori, a samurai daimyo who also aspires to become Shogun. Are either of these power-hungry warriors to be trusted?