拉玛贴王国遭遇夜叉族入侵,一夜之间覆灭。传说,将会出现一位拥有神器九神战甲的泰拳少年,挽救苦难中的王国。为绝后患,夜叉王举全族之力毁灭神器,战甲守护者及幼子奥特被泰拳大师所救。 多年后,夜叉族再次追寻到神器踪迹,已成长为泰拳战士的奥特在父辈的保护下携九神战甲出逃,并与女海盗小兰、神秘夜叉玛拉达以及猴王瓦达一起,与邪恶的夜叉族展开较量......With "Ott" father's last hope to take back Ramthep City where is now occupy by Asura (Giant Race), the boy was trained the martial art of Muay Thai for the mission of delivering 9 Satra, the sacred weapon to the Prince of Ramthep. As Ott began his journey to the city of Ramthep, he has become friends with a pirate girl named Xiaolan, a kind Red Asura and Va-ta, the price of monkey.