1941年夏天,芬兰军队在芬俄边境地区调动集结,中尉Eero带领一个排的士兵等候进攻命令。命令要求他们穿越一个湖周围的荒野以侦查俄国人可能存在的防守阵地。当侦查排在一个村庄休整时,Eero巧遇他的未婚妻。正当全排继续向前侦查任务时,Eero收到一个极坏的消息。这消息使他在这一任务的剩余时间开始对自己以及全排的安全漠不关心。。。。Set during the World War 2. In the summer of 1941 the Finnish army crosses the border of Russia. A platoon led by Lt. Eero Perkola goes through the wilderness around the Lieksa lake to search for Russian defensive positions. The platoon kills some Russian civilians and rests in a newly conquered village. There Lt. Perkola meets his fiancée Kaarina, who is serving in the Women's Auxilary Corps (Lotta). Then the platoon continues with the mission, but a message about Kaarina's possible death reaches Lt. Perkola. The message causes Perkola to become distracted during the mission.