三千年前的中国北方,皇帝为抵御外敌入侵,借走了神龙的龙珠,应允胜利后还珠于龙。皇帝却在战斗中牺牲,龙珠不知所踪。时光转瞬,一个中澳联合考古队凭借当年流传下来的墓葬图发掘皇帝之墓。此时,男孩乔希与女孩林金无意中踏上了寻找龙珠的神秘旅途。盗墓集团的魔爪,就跟在他们身后。Josh (Louis Corbett) and Ling (Li Lin Jin) thought they were in for a boring vacation with each of their parents at an archaeological dig in China. But the new friends soon discover they're right in the middle of an adventure when they find a mysterious monster that's been hidden deep in a temple for thousands of years. Josh tries to warn his father (Sam Neill) about the strange and magical creature, while Ling senses bigger forces at play. They soon realise that the monster is really an ancient Chinese Dragon, trapped on Earth because it's been separated from its magical pearl. On a breathtaking journey of good and evil Josh and Ling must uncover the mystery of the pearl so that the dragon can finally return to its rightful place.