保罗雷辛(克里斯多弗·兰伯特 Christopher Lambert)是个在日本工作的美籍业务员,他在异国邂逅了神秘的东方女郎Kirina(陈冲),被欲望冲昏头的保罗马上和她发生了关系。当他返回她的房间要取回钥匙时,却发现她已死于金城(尊龙)的刀下。金城是一个忍者集团的首脑,任何看到他庐山真面目的人都别想活命。在接下来的11个钟头内,保罗就要进行一场生存游戏,才能成为唯一见过金城的幸存者。Paul is on a business trips to Nagoya, as a computer-chip executive from New York, when he meets a beautiful and mysterious woman. Later, he finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time, inadvertently interrupting an assassination by a feared Ninja-cult. As he is now the only man to have seen the face of the cult's warrior-leader and lived, he soon realizes that he is facing a markedly foreshortened life-expectancy. Teaming up with a friendly samurai couple, on a two-centuries-old blood-feud with the Ninja, he struggles to survive. Finally, recuperating on an island-fortress, he learns swordsmanship, and perhaps, a little about courage, honor, love, and loyalty. The requisite final confrontation is rife with bloody swordplay and spectacular martial-arts action sequences.