英格兰一个叫特维迪的养鸡场里,一出奴隶们的悲剧正在上演。养鸡场的主人特维迪太太贪得无厌,一心只想着让母鸡们多下蛋,而特维迪先生则带着两条狼狗在整天监视母鸡们的一举一动。要是哪知母鸡下的蛋少了,那她随时就会召来末顶之灾。母鸡们整天生活得提心吊胆,生怕哪天厄运就会降临到自己的头上。母鸡金婕聪明而且有胆识,她绝不屈服于这种奴隶般的生活,于是,她决心带领大家一起逃出养鸡场!Having been hopelessly repressed and facing eventual certain death at the chicken farm where they are held, Rocky the rooster and Ginger the chicken decide to rebel against the evil Mr. and Ms. Tweedy, the farm's owners. Rocky and Ginger lead their fellow chickens in a great escape from the murderous farmers and their farm of doom.