动漫画家陆仔 (农夫@陆永 饰)沉迷创作,忽略了女友。某日,他接到出版社的面试电话,欣然前往。他吃饭时,遇到同桌客人冲突,逃之夭夭。此后,又遇到赛车的司机动手。好不容易赶到了面试地点,他跟冷淡的编辑讲述了创作的故事:保险经纪家姐(谢安琪 饰)的遭遇,她约见客户时意外发现妹夫 (农夫@C君 饰)出轨,但碍于妹妹 (郑融 饰),并未说破。吃团圆饭的时候,男友(许志安 饰)的因故迟到引发了一场家庭大战。但是故事并不受欢迎。无奈的陆仔街头遇险,报警求助,意外邂逅了女生方美芳(周秀娜 饰)。其后,他参加昔日老友玲玲的婚礼,却发现新郎的旧爱Marietta (赵硕之 饰)。他被动漫公司老板 (樊少皇 饰)叫来陪酒,再次遇到方美芳,并悉心劝慰。面对老板要他创作更残忍的要求,陆仔面临抉择……Luk, a struggling comic book artist who embarks on a hellish day of happenstance. In the morning he wakes up to discover that his girlfriend Julia has left him, and the rest of the day isn't much better. While attempting to land a job with a questionable triad-owned publishing firm, Luk encounters lots of conflict, usually involving people who get pissed at one another before resorting to deadly violence. The conflicts range from small and direct to large and ironic. Apparently, luck does not seem to be with Luk today.