在米兰那些声色犬马的夜总会里面隐藏着形形色色的赌场,这一夜,一个叫卢卡的年轻人闯进了这个赌博之城,他以高超的赌技迅速敛财,引起了外号叫“总统”的地下赌博黑手的注意,他准备要对付这个张狂的年轻人。最糟糕的是,这时卢卡撬走了“总统”的儿子卡拉度的马子。卢卡能够逃此一劫带着大笔金钱离开这个赌博之城吗? 发布者:Mtime (2007-11-20 14:57:49)Luca Altieri is a gambler. He likes cards and he is a master in playing poker. He is a cardsharper too. He begins working for "The President", who has many gambling houses and everything seems to go well until Luca falls for Maria Luisa. Unfortunately for them, she is the girl of Corrado, the son of "The President"...