第二次世界大战接近尾声,四个军人从前线回到祖国,共同抚养着死于战场的队长的儿子,他们称之为“小队长”。不久,战况变得愈加严峻,四名军人受命前往军需工厂,他们承诺将在除夕夜返回。接替军人照顾小队长的,是四名女性。男人、女人,心中各自藏着对“那个人”的思念…… 本片根据代表作为《夫妇善哉》的知名无赖派作家织田作之助的同名剧本改编。该剧本于1944年执笔创作,并于2012年在大阪中之岛图书馆发现。根据织田的研究专家鉴定,该剧本当年系为大船摄影所撰写,但因受到军部的压力而最终搁浅,沉寂时间长达七十年。Four young soldiers raise the orphaned son of their commanding officer. As they each decide to go working in munitions factories, it is up to four women to take care of the boy as they wait for the men to return. Based on a script from 1944 and shot in long black-and-white takes, ANOHITO takes place in a strange present where the war still rages on.