东东(梅艳芳 饰)与心靖(杨紫琼 饰)年幼时得到武林高手的收养,传授她们武功望她们能长大后行侠仗义。同是孤儿的两人情同姐妹。不料心靖在12岁时被抓走,从此失去音信。东东长大后下嫁了警官刘启文(刘松仁 饰),生下女儿后当上了贤妻良母。多年来她一直向家人隐瞒自己的身份,但 夫妻俩之间却因为这样变得疏远。 当年心靖被清朝宦官陈公公抓走,用毒液洗去了她记忆后利用她的好身手干着坏事。陈七(张曼玉 饰)也是公公的手下,生性不羁,她中毒并不深,记忆不久便恢复了。她跟东东一般富有正义感但视钱如命。三人在一次偷取婴儿的争斗中相遇了,但心中的正义感令她们本来对立的角色演变成一直的方向,对付危害大众生命的女勇士。The all-female Heroic Trio are Tung (Wonder Woman), Chat (Thief Catcher), a mercenary, and Ching (Invisible Woman). Initially, they're on opposing sides - the invisible Ching is kidnapping newborn male babies for her evil master, Tung is trying to solve the crime (rather more effectively than her policeman husband, who is unaware of her secret identity), and Chat, who was formerly employed by Ching's evil master, is trying to sell her services and inside knowledge to the police. But all three have something in common buried deep in their past...