开朗奔放的自由作家步美(小池荣子 饰)当年在北京与中国籍摄影师晓江(王传一 饰)相识相爱,经历了长达五年的远距离异国恋。二人好不容易在东京聚首并步入婚姻殿堂,但晓江却遭遇了失业的打击。乐观的步美把握住这次机遇,带着丈夫前往位于南国冲绳的石垣岛渡假。当地秀美的自然风光和健康味美的食物让他们流连忘返,进而决定在此定居。渐渐习惯了岛上的生活,他们决定采用当地的食材做点什么,经过不断的尝试,美味诱人的石垣岛辣油终于出炉。交织着喜怒哀乐,这对小夫妻朝向理想的生活携手前进…… 本片根据边银爱理夫妇的真实故事改编。Japanese woman Ayumi was a writer and contributor for a publishing house. Gyouku worked there as well and loved his photography. The employer goes broke, but never mind because the pair are happily married and moving to a remote island with good food, natural beauty and a lighthouse. Gyouku and Ayumi decide it is time for he to become a citizen of Japan, but there is the paperwork and there is everything else.