修一郎(真田广之 饰)年纪轻轻就成为了知名企业的负责人,长久以来养成的职业习惯令他不信任身边的任何一个人。一天,修一郎感到身体有点不舒服,于是前往唯一一家他信任的诊所看病,在那里,他解释了名叫孝之助(玉置浩二 饰)的男人。 孝之助是一个生活穷困潦倒的男人,但是却整天乐呵呵的,总是无条件的信任周围的人,他的存在让修一郎感到非常的不可思议,可以这么说,孝之助就是修一郎性格的反面。在和孝之助相处的过程中,修一郎渐渐学会了信任之道,与此同时,一位名叫香织(松岛菜菜子 饰)的女性走进了修一郎的生活,让他重新燃起了爱的希望。Hiroyuki Sanada is the cold-hearted businessman Harashima, whose only goal in life is to work hard and make money. His plans for the future are cut short when he discovers he'll be dead within six months. By strange twist of fate, he bumps into Nanako Matsushima who plays Kaori, a poor yet loving girl who lives and works in Harashima's world and he falls head-over-heels in love with her. With the help of Koji Tamaki (The lively and cheerful Konosuke), Harashima begins to realize what the values of friendship, loyalty and love- but will be able to reverse the fate of Kaori and Konosuke's doomed homes before his fate catches up with him?