Pansori(朝鲜清唱)西便制歌者俞本(金明坤 饰)带着养女松华(Oh Jung-hae 吴贞海 饰)流浪荒野山村,与一寡母坠入爱河。为避他人口舌,俞本带着爱人、松华以及爱人的儿子东浩(Kim Kyu-chul 金古初 饰)远走他乡。 颠沛流离的生活让寡母过早离开人世,俞本则将一腔心血投在一双儿女身上,立志将他们培养成出色的清唱歌手。受外来文化冲击,清唱这门艺术逐渐被世人所轻视。东浩无法忍受穷苦漂泊的生活,某日不辞而别。俞本则将养女的双眼毒瞎,渴望她专心技艺。 多年后俞本去世,松华漂泊他乡,东浩则遵循姐姐的足迹,寻找生命中业已失去的快乐与幸福……The specifically Korean tradition that is reclaimed in Sopyonje is the type of folk-song known as pansori, described as a musical sublimation of South-West Korea's collective grief and suffering - in other words, a kind of blues. The film's three central characters are itinerant pansori singers in the 1950s, a time when many aspects of Korean culture came under siege from Japanese and western influences. The story unfolds through flashbacks. A man named Dong-ho is roaming the rural hinterlands, ostensibly to find rare herbal medicines for his employer back in Seoul, but actually in search of Song-hwa, the woman he grew up with. Orphans, they were both apprenticed to the pansori master Yu-bong who pressured them to sacrifice everything for the art. Dong-ho rebelled and ran away, to become the man he is now. Song-hwa stayed, lost her sight, and outlived Yu-bong. Rumor has it that she is still traveling and still singing pansori... The tale has one truly shocking twist, but the overall one is plaintive, elegiac and serenely beautiful.