本片是英国著名的喜剧团体Monty Python的成员特里琼斯 (Terry Jones)导演的一部荒诞不经的调侃宗教的电影,故事的发生地在巴勒斯坦,讲述了一个普通的男人被世人误认为是弥赛亚(犹太人企盼的复国救主),由此引发了许多啼笑皆非的故事,一如Monty Python所有的电影那般,特里琼斯在这部电影中也使用了大量荒诞无厘头的笑料,电影以圣经为原型,由头至尾都充斥着颠覆,嘲讽的意味,对于虔诚的宗教人士来说,这部电影确实是场巨大的灾难。The story of Brian of Nazareth, born on the same day as Jesus of Nazareth, who takes a different path in life that leads to the same conclusion. Brian joins a political resistance movement aiming to get the Romans out of Judea. Brian scores a victory of sorts when he manages to paint political slogans on an entire wall in the city of Jerusalem. The movement is not very effective but somehow Brian becomes a prophet and gathers his own following. His fate is sealed however and he lives a very short life.