《赛门和黛利拉》、《甜蜜国度》的澳大利亚导演Warwick Thornton在2019年拍摄的慢生活记录剧集日前被A24买下发行权,并将在全世界播放。 这部剧集记录了Warwick Thornton在2019年的秋天,选择放弃高强度的生活而前往澳大利亚西北部一块遗世独立的海滩与自然同居,除了他的儿子担任摄影师以外,他还有着三只鸡、一条狗和埋在沙里的螃蟹做伙伴。这种慢生活记录剧集一如挪威的七小时火车旅行纪录片一样,将为观众带来缓慢而疗愈的体验。 早前这套纪录片曾在澳大利亚电视台SBS和NTIV上播出,这次A24买下了全球其他地方的发行权,并将在11月22日至28日举行的A24 Screening Room活动中播出。Filmmaker Warwick Thornton's international success has come at a personal cost. He has reached a crossroad in his life and something has to change. He has chosen to try giving up life in the fast lane for a while, to go it alone, on an isolated beach in one of the most beautiful yet brutal environments in the world, to see if he can transform and heal his life.