马萨亚(莫妲·娜琳叻 Mookda Narinrak 饰)虽然出生在名门望族,却因为她母亲的血统而从小到大过着被受欺负的生活,马萨亚天性活泼好动,但为了能够在这个家族里顺利的生存下去,她逐渐学会了如何隐藏自己的真面目,做一个乖顺的好孩子。一晃眼多年过去,马萨亚出落成为了亭亭玉立的少女,如同奶奶所期望的那样,她可以称之为是一位真正的淑女,可尽管如此,过去那些悲惨的时光从未被从马萨亚的脑海里抹去过。 就是这样一个压抑的女孩,在一场意外之中邂逅了性格和自己完全相反的男孩拉克(米克·通拉亚 Mik Thongraya 饰),拉克玩世不恭,从来不会被封建礼教的条条框框所束缚,总是来如影去如风,着特殊的气质深深的吸引了马萨亚的注意。Mussaya's father is kicked out of the Rattanamahasarn family for marrying a girl from a "low class" Malay woman. Both parents having passed away early she was brought up by her maternal grandfather. Years later Mussaya grows up as a free spirited, boyish and a little crude woman . Head of Rattanamahasarn family feeling sad and guilty about the past orders her grandson Luck to bring back Mussaya. Mussaya after coming back to Rattanamahasarn family feels like a outcast with overbearing rules, etiquette and a family who looks down on her. She can only feel comfortable with Luck as her true self while she constantly faces bullying from the cousins and their mother.