澪(黑川芽以 饰)是班上的头头,在她的带领下,一帮女生以欺负性格懦弱的玛利亚(美波 饰)为乐。老师和同学们都知道澪的不端行径,但他们共同选择了沉默。班上来了一位名叫麻绮(泽尻英龙华 饰)的转学生,初来乍到,麻绮便展现出了独特的领袖气质和个人魅力,随着时间的推移,她逐渐取代了澪的位置,而澪则沦为了被欺负的对象。 陷入绝望之中的澪想在天台结束自己的生命,没想到却是玛利亚出现并挽救了她,与此同时,麻绮向澪表达了她的歉意,天真的澪以为麻绮良心发现,之后才知道,麻绮不过是想要和她联手,寻找新的欺负对象。愤怒的澪教训了麻绮,夺回了自己的地位,然而,故事却并没有结束。Mio Sasaoka hears of a middle school student that was a victim of bullying and then committed suicide. Mio thinks the girl should have confronted her tormentors rather than committing suicide. Mio herself is the leader of a group of students at her school. She is a bully. Her main target is Maria Shiozaki who is weak. Mio pushes her into the swimming pool and scribbles on her book, justifying her actions because Maria is disagreeable.