青年MMA冠军选手“俄罗斯铁锤”维克多梦寐以求登上职业巅峰:赢取世界冠军头衔,此时他迎来契机,只要击败拳坛黑手“鲨鱼”。然而此时一场车祸却让他中断了职业生涯。“鲨鱼”垂涎的女子薇拉选择了维克多,使得“鲨鱼”恼恨不已,他设下诡计要让维克多重返拳台,打算在擂台上终结其性命。“俄罗斯铁锤”能否捍卫祖国荣誉和自己所爱的女子?Victor Stroev aka Russian Hammer is a youth Mix Fight champion willing to win the main fight of his career - the World Champion title. Hammer is right up there as a chance encounter turning into a fight with a sports mobster Shark ends up to be a tragedy for Victor. Victor gets into a terrible car crash that makes it doubtful that he will ever be able to go on with his career in sports, any blow can kill him. Vera whom Shark is trying to get, chooses Victor which makes Shark even more furious. Now Shark will do anything to make Russian Hammer get on the ring and make this fight the last one for him. Victor is not used to give up and ready to risk - he has to defend the honor of his country and the woman he loves. Vera realizes she has to betray Victor in order to save him.