1944年,第二次世界大战接近尾声,包括日本在内的轴心国在世界各地已成强弩之末。为了阻止美国等同盟国的军队在菲律宾登陆,日本方面采取极端的作战手段,海军中将大西泷治郎(伊武雅刀 饰)宣布组建神风特攻队向美国军舰发起疯狂的自杀式袭击。然而时不我予,成百上千年轻战士的生命也 无法挽回败局。1945年春,美军以菲律宾为跳板,准备向日本的军事要害冲绳发动攻击。 适值此时,位于鹿儿岛的知览机场已经成为培养自杀式袭击人员的重要基地,包括坂东胜次(窪塚洋介 饰)、田端广一(筒井道隆 饰)在内的439名振武队年轻士兵在此集训。这群热血青年在基地度过人生中最后快乐、珍贵的时光……With the war turning against the Japanese, the military high command consider the use of suicide pilots to attack allied shopping in the Pacific. In the south of Japan, young pilots arrive to begin preparations for their first and only missions. Nearby to the kamikaze training base, a tavern owner provides comfort and respite despite objections from the military. The movie highlights the the dichotomy of dying for Japan, without having experienced Japanese life in full.