1965年,正值美国和俄罗斯先后准备向太空发射载人飞船之际,指挥官谢尔盖·科罗廖夫决定选派飞行员阿列克谢•列昂诺夫和帕维尔·贝尔耶夫执行首飞任务,提前于原计划两年执行。于此过程中,无论是两名宇航员还是指挥官和无数参与者,都面临着极大的压力和风险。 万众瞩目之下,媒体同步播出了发射过程,当阿列克谢打开舱门迈出太空第一步之际,整个苏联都为之沸腾。然而在阿列克谢准备返回的时候太空服失灵,紧接着飞船舱门无法自动关闭……让他险些命丧太空…….The film is set in the 60s of the 20th century, during the Cold War and the space race between USSR and the United States. Russians plan to send a man into space. Military pilot Pavel Belyayev and are ready to step into the open space. But on the way they face many obstacles and dangers.