鲁狄从事的不算是正当的行业,但总能轻轻松松地达成目的。但是,谁会料到,他的生活因为父亲奥斯华的关系而发生了重大转变。奥斯华是一位颇有名气的考古学家,与鲁狄大吵一架后,他突然离开了以色列。一晚,纽约警局电话鲁狄,询问有关法萨博物馆一本无价宗教手稿《命令》,此事似乎与其父亲有关。Van Damme plays Rudy whose father, Oscar is an archaeologist. His father goes to Israel. When his father disappears, he goes to Israel to find him. The chief of police claims that his father never entered the country, but an old friend of his father's was expecting him and before he could tell him more, some people start shooting at them. He manages to get away, and when he goes back to the police chief, he still refuses to believe that a crime has been committed. He then has Rudy deported, but Rudy convinces the police woman assigned to bring him to the airport not to and help him find his father.