1950年,西藏仍是与外界阻隔的秘境绝地,在解放军进军西藏途中,士兵华山只身落入藏区腹地,以一个热血方刚的汉族青年的身份懵懵懂懂卷入了一场蓄谋已久的血雨腥风。尽管被严密封锁,牧场上贵族老爷的马仍被一匹又一匹神秘盗走,宝马被毒杀,施害者神出鬼没,华山试图穿透迷障,却被卷入更深的迷局。暗慕他的少女央金被蒙面匪劫掠,华山只身救难,却被更大的阴谋捆绑,被迫与土匪逃亡,开始惊心动魄的冒险之路……In the 1950s, Tibet was still a place of isolation. The Liberation army was marching into Tibet, one of the soldier Huashan got lost on his way and found himself got caught into the crossfire of a bloody conspiracy. Although heavily guarded, the Lord's houses kept getting stolen and murdered. Huashan tried to solve the mystery but the plot kept thickens. The girl Yangjing, who had a crush a Huashan was kidnapped, Huashan went on the journey of saving the innocent girl.