面對疫情封鎖來襲,Tom打算好好在家工作,誰知許久不見的Kendrick跑了回來。一直暗戀著Kendrick的Tom,心中春水蕩漾,豈料Kendrick是為了一個女孩回來的?與此同時,Kendrick染上了新冠肺炎。一波未平一波又起,兩人最後會如何呢?Tom had a big crush on his jock friend Kendrick, but never had the guts to tell him what he really felt for fear of losing their friendship. When Kendrick left the country to migrate to Hawaii, they lost all contact. After 5 years, Kendrick came back to volunteer during the pandemic. Rekindling their friendship online, can Tom finally tell Kendrick about his love for him? A BL / LGBTQ film.