故事发生在拥有着深厚历史的圣多明尼教堂之中,在这里执掌的,是名为基斯(巴里·菲茨杰拉德 Barry Fitzgerald 饰)的神父,基斯在这个职位上已经度过了四十五年的时光了。基斯年岁已高,思想早已经渐渐跟不上潮流,前来听他布道的信徒们越来越少,教堂很快就陷入了入不敷出的危机之中。 就在这个节骨眼上,一位名叫欧曼尼(平·克劳斯贝 Bing Crosby 饰)的年轻神父被教会派来此地协助基斯。对于这个活泼风趣的年轻人,固执老成的基斯当然是看着一百个不顺眼,然而,欧曼尼依旧我行我素,用他温暖随和的风格,让每一个人如沐春风。随着时间的推移,欧曼尼在潜移默化之中改变了基斯的想法,并且帮助教堂筹得了重建资金,拯救了这座古老的圣坛。Youthful Father Chuck O'Malley led a colorful life of sports, song, and romance before joining the Roman Catholic clergy, but his level gaze and twinkling eyes make it clear that he knows he made the right choice. After joining a parish, O'Malley's worldly knowledge helps him connect with a gang of kids looking for direction and handle the business details of the church-building fund, winning over his aging, conventional superior, Father Fitzgibbon.