巴基斯坦裔青年卡西姆是英国小城的著名DJ,他每晚在全城最热闹的夜店街出没,梦想拥有自己的舞厅。他的父母正策划给他娶个巴基斯坦媳妇儿,而卡西姆却与英国姑娘罗斯琳陷入了热恋。两个人都不敢把恋情公开,卡西姆的家人绝不会让“欧洲鬼子”进门,罗斯琳生活的本地人区更不能接受英国姑娘跟“臭老阿”混在一起...In Glasgow, Scotland, the Pakistani parents of Casim Khan have decided that he is going to marry his cousin Jasmine. Unfortunately, Casim has just fallen in love with his younger sister's music teacher Roisin. Not only is she 'goree', a white woman, she is also Irish and catholic, things that may not go down well with Casim's parents. They start a relationship but Casim is torn between following his heart and being a good son.