主人公折口弥一(佐藤隆太 饰)独自抚养正在读小学的女儿,突然有一天家里来了一位外国男性。原来,折口弥一有一个双胞胎弟弟凉二,已经移居加拿大,两人已经多年未联系,后得知弟弟已经去世,而这个外国人Mike自称是弟弟的“丈夫”。After his estranged twin Ryoji's unexpected death, Yaichi is thrown for another loop when his brother's husband from Canada, Mike Flanagan, comes for a visit. His daughter Kana takes to her new Canadian uncle with enthusiasm and innocent curiosity, forcing Yaichi to confront societal issues and his own internalised homophobia as he learns to accept his brother-in-law.