熊出没之环球大冒险专门为儿童打造的一部动画片。继续讲述熊兄弟联手对付伐木工光头强,保护原始森林的故事。看着森林被毁,熊兄弟决定要保护森林,保护家园,驱逐所有的破坏者!但是奸诈狡猾的光头强可没那么容易就离开。于是,一场旷日持久的家园保卫战开始 ……The bumbling but lovable Bear Brothers are back, and Logger Vick remains in hot pursuit! Their latest adventures take our heroes out of the forest and into the big city, where they make new friends and a host of wonderful discoveries...and where they learn a few fabulous new tricks for escaping the clutches of the villainous Vick!