法国2004年最新冒险喜剧片,杰拉尔德帕迪约主演的法国版《石头族乐园》,法国本土票房第三位。讲述的是37,000年前,有两个部落相互邻近,他们和平共处。“净发部"过着宁静祥和的日子,小心守护着洗发水的制作秘方。而“污衣部"满嘴牢骚,抓挠个不停。一天晚上,一起谋杀案打破了“净发部"的宁静。这是人类史上的第一次,以前从来没有人杀过人(当然,在这个案子里,被杀的是个女人)。为什幺要杀人呢?是人难免一死的。谁能解开这个迷?而且,如果这只是一个恐怖的开始怎幺办?这部史前黑色喜剧片讲述了两个完全不同的部落的冒险经历。这影片已经在欧洲上映,据说是个充满冒险精神的搞笑电影,最受欢迎的是片中有各式各样的史前动物出现,可爱得很。In 35,000 BC, the tribe of the Dirty Hairs is in war against the tribe of the Clean Hairs for eight hundred years, trying to get their shampoo. The chief of the Dirty Hairs sends his daughter Guy disguised to the enemy tribe to get some shampoo for his tribe. When the healer of the Clean Hairs tribe surprisingly kills two cavemen of his tribe, their imbecile chief assigns Pierre with curled hair and Pierre blonde to investigate the murder and find the criminal.