西班牙内战题材,磅礡哥德式风格重现二次大战纳粹风。本片改编西班牙畅销同名小说!逆境重生,过目不忘再现天才西洋棋手──迪亚哥,在逆境中不畏强权挑战各路棋手,在艰险的环境中逆转人生一步棋。 本片改自西班牙畅销同名小说! 1934年,迪亚哥帕迪拉赢得西班牙西洋棋赛的冠军宝座,并与一名名叫玛丽安娜拉图尔的法国记者相遇,两人随即坠入爱河。西班牙内战结束后,玛丽安娜拉图尔说服迪亚哥前往法国和女儿一起生活。 抵达法国不久后,迪亚哥随即被纳粹党控诉从事间谍活动,并背叛入侵卫队监控的监牢服刑。在狱中,梅尔上校对西洋棋深感热忱,并与其对一,迪亚哥在逆境中不畏强权挑战各路棋手,在艰险的环境中逆转人生一步棋。In 1934 Diego Padilla wins the Spanish Championship of Chess and meets a French journalist, Marianne Latour, and they fall in love. At the end of the Civil War, Marianne convinces Diego to live in France with their daughter, where shortly afterwards Diego will be accused of spying by the Nazis and imprisoned in an SS prison. In prison, Diego will try to survive in a hostile environment thanks to Colonel Maier's passion for chess.