ベトナムでの出会い、国境を超えた究極の愛の始まり… 辛く厳しい現実 ボクハ、泣カナイ… 雨の中のデート二人だけの課外授業 二人だけの秘密 真夜中の個人授業 突然のキス! もう心に嘘はつけない 傷だらけの純情 これが僕の愛し方 せつない関係、募る想いのすれ違い 禁断の愛を告白ついに結ばれた夜… 愛せない…もう夢なんかいらない! さよならドク 愛は国境をこえるか? 聖夜の奇跡を信じて…ドクから最後に感動のメッセージ 初次來到越南外景隊雪是一位什麼都沒有過著普通上班族生活的日本女性。在越南接觸到人的熱情,雪決心改變目前的生活型態。來自越南的德克,這一齣連續劇描寫一位日本女性長瀨雪和懷抱希望和夢想來到日本的越南人德克相遇之後的交流,互相成長的故事。This is a love story between 29-yr-old Yuki and 20 yr-old Doku. The story begins when Yuki, an ordinary OL, traveled to Vietnam and was rescued by a quiet young man, Doku. After she returned to Japan, she quit her job and decided to become an Japanese teacher. On the first day of her class, she was surprised to find out that Doku was also in her class. Since it was the first day (and first time) of her teaching, she was too nervous and was laughed at by the students. As she started to cry in front of the class, Doku stood up and walked toward her, smiling and telling her: \"Please show us your courage\".